A Month Or So.

by - August 28, 2019

I was asked to write a new post and I feel slightly obliged to do so. Funny thing is that I have no clue what to write about. I think I may just go over how I’ve felt for the last month or so? It’s been a tough month so I might just go with that.

As previously mentioned, my son’s father, L, is back in the picture. Along with his other son, D, and his ex-fiancé, S. Now, SHE does my fucking head in. The lass can’t keep her mouth shut. For some unknown reason, she has it in her head that I want to get back together with L. She’s wrong. Don’t get me wrong, when I first heard they broke up, I considered it. I apparently was the reason they broke up, she thought he had underlying feelings for me. He might’ve, I don’t care. But when I think back to however long we were together, we didn’t work. We had so many issues that we both ignored. We just weren’t good together. Since she wants to get back together with him, she constantly brings me into their arguments. That isn’t what bothers me. What DOES bother me is when she brings my son into them too. He is fuck all to do with her. She has no reason to have his name coming out of her mouth. She said she’s just jealous. I said I don’t give a fuck. I told L that if he had any feelings towards me then he needed to lose them. I don’t want to be involved in some pathetic love triangle. We’ve spoken the bare minimal to each other since then, which I’m quite happy about. Me and S don’t speak at all. Thank fuck.

Baring all that, it seems to have been a good month. Cory has been accepted into nursery. In fact, his first settling visit is tomorrow. He loved it the last time we visited, so I think he’ll enjoy it there. He’ll be attending every Friday, from 8am until 6pm. So, we both get a little break from each other. I’ll still have Aurora-Blu obviously, but it just means we get a little one on one time with each other. My mum has offered to take her for a few hours too so that I can go off and do my own thing.

Moving on. In the recent month or so, I’ve binge watched my fair share of shows; Vampire Diaries, The Originals, Shadowhunters and a couple other small timers. Anyone reading this want to send me some recommendations? Anything paranormal (supernatural) works for me.

OH! My mental health has gotten a lot better. Stress was always a big factor in it and I’ve started to sort myself out. I’ve finally started paying off the debts my ex got me into behind my back. £150 down, about 5k to go! Yay me. But it’s a step in the right direction. No one knows about my debts really except close friends. I could easily just tell my dad and he would pay them for me, but I want to do it on my own. Me and him are always doing tit for tat. I’d rather not give him ammunition against me.

I guess that’s all for now. Thanks. 😂

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